As we all know, psychology is the study of the mind and behavior. This discipline embraces all the aspects of the human experience, from the functions of the brain to the actions of nations, as well as from child development to care for the aged.
In every conceivable setting from the scientific research centers to the mental health care services, the understanding of behavior is the enterprise of psychologists.
In the following 25 psychological facts, we are going to share a few human behavior tricks and insight of the human nature which we are 100% sure you were not aware of.
1. Humans can live longer without food than without sleep.
2. Even some small noises can make our pupils dilate.
3. By the age of 60, people lose half of their taste buds.
4. If saliva cannot dissolve something, then we cannot taste it.
5. Our brain and our stomach are in constant contact with each other, so that is the reason why some emotions affect our stomachs physically, distress particularly.
6. Since the internet exists, fewer people claim to be religious.
7. Chewing gum is very helpful for our memory to receive a higher test score.
8. The purple color, or more specifically ‘lavender’ creates a soothing effect. It is also a great color to have for our bedspreads.
9. Our short-term memory is an actual store in our brain, even though it has a much more limited capacity than it is expected – it lasts approximately 20 seconds, and it can process five to nine things at once.
10. The color red makes anyone more sexually attractive, but wearing blue also makes men especially more attractive to women.
11. Almost 70.000 thoughts on a daily basis hit the average human mind.
12. On average, it actually takes 66 days to form a habit.
13. If someone makes eye contact with you for 60% of a conversation, they are bored, 80% and they are attracted to you, while 100% means that they are threatening you.
14. Excessive stress can alert our brain cells, structure, as well as function.
15. The sense of falling involved in a dream actually comes from our brain falling asleep too fast, as well as assuming it is dying. The sensation is essentially the brain giving itself an AED.
16. If you fake a smile, even when you are in a bad mood then that smile is going to help you feel better and therefore make you happy.
17. Men are attracted to women that have clear skin, big bright eyes, rosy lips, as well as lustrous hair, as they are indicators of health and an optimal partner for reproduction.
18. When you yawn, and someone else yawns right after you, it actually means that they were watching you and are attracted to you.
19. When people focus hard on a task, the human brain is completely going to block other things going on, even if it is right in front of them. This is called selective attention.
20. In some individuals, brains produce more chemicals compared to others; this is the reason why some people are considered more emotional than others.
21. Our reflex reactions are not controlled by our brain but by our spinal cord. Nerves which run up and down the spine control what our body does when in need of an instantaneous, as well as lighting fast action such as pulling away from something too hot.
22. The smells of family members are similar. This is the reason why the average person does not find family members to be attractive; it is the way of the nature of decreasing genetic mutations.
23. Besides being sexually appealing, red is also an aggressive color which sometimes causes people to appear more intimidating.
24. According to Furnham & Chamoir-Premuzic (2004), several personality traits can be important predictors of the academic average of a person. In fact, conscientious introverts that are not very open-minded tend to have a higher average in stats than others.
25. There is no sense of pain within our brain itself. This fact permits neurosurgeons to probe areas of the brain while the patient is still awake. Feedback from the patient at the time of the probes is useful for identifying important regions, like those for speech, which are spared if possible.