Our best sellers shipped within the USA, ETA usually takes 7-10 business days from the shipping date.
Any other items (not on best-sellers list) shipped within the USA, delivery will take 2-3 weeks from the shipping date.
Outside US address, the parcel may take up to 4-5 weeks before it is delivered depending on customs clearance. Rest assured we will be sending you your tracking number as soon as it is shipped.
Deep Origins is an eCommerce company that inspires, informs, unites and entertains the growing community of enthusiasts who enjoy yoga, meditation, natural food products, and supplements. Project Yourself is one of our family of brands under Deep Origins. You can check DeepOrigins.com for more information.
We accept all major credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover, and PayPal.
Our store prices are in United States dollar (USD).
*If you pay in a currency that’s different from the designated currency of your payment method, your provider or third-party payment processor may apply a currency conversion rate or fees to your payment.
Contact your provider (for example, your credit or bank card issuer) for information on what fees may apply, since they’re not controlled by Project Yourself.
We still do not have physical store locations yet. We only sell online at the present time.
Yes, we ship almost all around the world.
*International orders are subject to import, duties, and customs taxes, which are applied once your shipment reaches the country of destination. We cannot predict what your particular charges may be. For more information regarding your country's customs policies please contact your local customs office. All taxes, duties, and customs fees are the responsibility of the recipient of the package. Your local carrier may be able to give you information on the method of payment accepted for the duties, taxes and other fees collected upon delivery.
There are some countries we are presently unable to deliver to, please see FAQ on "Shipping Restrictions"
Currently we are unable to ship to the following countries:
Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, Botswana, Barbados, Zimbabwe, Costa Rica, Uganda, Fiji, Seychelles, Mauritius, Jamaica, Aruba, Virgin Islands, Bahrain, Senegal, Honduras, Sierra leone, Palau, maldives, Tanzania, Saipan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Puerto Rico, Bolivi
We ship from our warehouse in Encinitas, California or sometimes from our overseas locations including India, Singapore, China or Peru. We source from reliable vendors of the best quality from around the world. We sample each item and even visit factories to ensure the best quality and sustainable practices.
You can enter the discount code during the checkout process.
Just go to your Cart (top right corner) and proceed to Checkout. Right below the cart items will be a Discount box, just enter your coupon code then click Apply.
*We cannot apply the discount once an order is already submitted. The discount code should be placed before check out. You can still use the promo code on your next order. *Discount codes are also only valid one time use per customer.
Please enter the discount code manually in your Cart as it is only copied in your clipboard NOT applied automatically.
We cannot apply the discount once an order is already submitted. The discount code should be placed before check out. You can still use the promo code on your next order.
Please check our Replacement Policy @ Return Policy
Please check our Replacement Policy @ Return Policy
The order confirmation email is sent to your email within 24 hours upon checkout. Please try to check your spam or trash folder as it may end up there as well. If you like us to resend the confirmation email, please request it from support@projectyourself.com.
That’s what we’re here for. Just give us a call + 1 877 977-1799 or contact us via email at support@projectyourself.com