You may have heard of Bacopa monnieri, a.k.a. Brahmi (named after one of the highest states of consciousness / Brahman / God consciousness), a.k.a. water hyssop; but did you know this herb restores mind, body, and soul? Bacopa has been used in plant-based medicine since time immemorial, and it sure has made some central nervous systems happy along the way to present day.
Recent research has focused primarily on Bacopa's cognitive-enhancing effects. This medicinal perennial is used to enhance memory development, learning, and concentration. This medicinal plant can help to upgrade your command center!
A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled design was utilized with healthy elderly people; they received either a standardized extract of Bacopa monnieri (300 and 600 mg) or placebo once daily for 12 weeks. The results from the study suggest that bacopa can improve attention, cognitive processing, and working memory partly via the suppression of AChE activity.
Extracted from the leaves of the Bacopa monniera plant, this ancient herb has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners to help people reduce memory loss, improve cognition, regulate mood swings, and reduce stress and tension. It is known to provide relief to patients with anxiety disorder. And it is used as a cardiac tonic, digestive aid, and to improve respiratory function.
Other research on epilepsy, bronchitis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastric ulcers also supports the uses of bacopa in Ayurvedic medicine. And its antioxidant properties may offer protection from free radical damage in cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer as well.
Bacopa has the ability to upgrade and protect your command center . . . making your mind more agile, your memories clearer, and your thinking quicker!
It is a natural mental performance nootropic, meaning it promotes memory and focus. It helps prevent damage to cortical neurons as well. Cortical neurons are the cells of the brain's largest region—the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex.
This herb has been known to provide relief to patients with anxiety or epileptic disorders as well. It has been used in India and Pakistan as a cardiac tonic, digestive aid, and to improve respiratory function in cases of bronchoconstriction.
Research on anxiety, epilepsy, bronchitis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastric ulcers also supports the Ayurvedic uses of Bacopa. Bacopa's antioxidant properties may offer protection from free radical damage in cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.
Bacopa is an awesome multi-tasker that benefits body, mind, and soul.
Incorporate bacopa into your daily routine to boost your cognitive function.