In 1889, Prentice Mulford started a new moment in time known as the “New Thought Era”. It has since created many spin-off titles from the great Napoleon Hill to the people who brought us The Secret.
Conceptual image of a man from side profile showing brain and brain activity.
Prentice’s Thoughts Are Things states that within our minds we have the ability to manifest a certain destiny just by thinking it.
This writing spawned the self-help era, inspiring an industry that focuses on helping others change their thoughts and their lives. It proves that no matter what you’re seeking in life, the act of thought can be the transforming medium to make a world of difference.
A Breakthrough in Science on a Cellular Level
Scientists have unraveled a neurobiological method discovered in the learning process. A specific chemical reaction is created to process molecules into brain memory, which means there might be some truth in Prentice’s idea.
In studies, thoughts were identified within mice that were decoded at a molecular level. Scientists began by coding the brain cells of mice to identify if there was any biological reaction to thinking. They’ve actually been able to follow the paths of the chemicals used to form memories.
Scientists have been tracking synapse strengthening behaviors for many years. For example, it is common for athletes to focus on visualizing the outcome before the event. This synapse acts like a bridge, powering the electric signals between each neuron in the communication cycle.
It’s these synapses that were used to map the type of protein used in memory formation, thus creating an idea of the outcome as if it had already occurred.
The Origin of Memory
Memory is believed to be either a byproduct of the Garden of Eden or a survival instinct passed on from our ancestors so they weren’t eaten by a sabretooth tiger.
We have three basic types of memory:
· Sensory Memory
· Short-Term Memory
· Long-Term Memory
Sensory memory is associated with muscle memory. Think about logging on to a website. You might not remember the password consciously yet your fingers always press the exact keys necessary to log you in.
Short-term is the memory that is currently active in the mind at any given moment. Did you lock the front door? Where are your keys that were just in your hand a moment ago?
Long-term memory is where storage actually takes place within the working of your mind. Intense and frequently used information is easier to access by the amount of times it’s thought of on the short-term memory scale.
Your brain organizes data into clusters much like a computer creates files for faster organization. This has been proven to be a primary cause of advancement in society.
It’s incredible how little you access your long-term memory bank in comparison to your short-term memory use. If your brain was a computer circuit board, you would spend the majority of your life “using up ram”.
You must access your short-term memory and encode it powerfully enough before it becomes stored into your long-term data banks. Your brain provides an ease of familiarity to things you are already good at.
Memory at Work
One of the primary reasons many athletes excel at more than one sport is because their coordination and abilities are so well-trained. Take a look at how Michael Jordan went from playing basketball to baseball, two sports that originally seemed very different to me.
Another good example are those who are bilingual. They can just as easily become trilingual since the regions in their brains responsible for learning a language are constantly reinforced, making it easier for them to absorb a third or fourth language.
Stressed businessman with calculations around him
It was athletics that led to the discovery of mirror neurons and it was Olympic athletes who put them into test. Mirror neurons were shown to fire the same synapses even while simply watching the supposed athletic ability of another participant.
Mirror neurons cast a long reflection of an image captured by your eyes. Then that image, whether it is an action or even a word, is imitated by your system.
Researchers have insisted that mirror neurons play a vital part in our physical and mental states as well as all of our social activities. For example, an athlete’s muscles react to the mere site of another athlete exercising. It is also believed that those reflectors can affect human behavior, human empathy and so on.
The studying of neuron cells was our first link that lead the study of synapses which create the bridge between talents.
Conclusive Thoughts
The world is moving at an incredibly fast speed. The results of new science and technological tests will bring us closer to realms of enlightenment. The understanding of the mind brings us into a deeper and more integral role with communicating with ourselves and the world around us.
As the scientists of today continue to modernize the schema of the human mind, we will unlock potential that has not yet been seen. The reality is that we’ve achieved a new level of prowess in the field of neuroscience.
This will undoubtedly change not only how we view the biology of the brain but indeed how biology influences the brain. We know that there is a strong connection between the two but understanding it will change life as we know it, enabling us to reach their our potential!
If you enjoyed reading this article, remember this is just one of many ways to ‘bend’ reality, tap into powers beyond your conscious existence… and connect with your infinite self.